由清华大学、北京航空航天大学、中国汽车工程学会等联合举办的第14届世界先进车辆控制大会(AVEC 2018)将于2018年7月16号~20号在北京国际会议中心召开。会议将紧密围绕汽车领域关注的重点方向开展研讨及交流。涉及的主题包括:自动驾驶与车联网、车辆动力学与控制、动力系统能量管理、驾驶员行为建模与监控、先进驾驶辅助系统、智能交通系统管理、先进汽车感知、决策与控制技术等。
AVEC会议于1992年在日本首次召开,每两年举行一次,是汽车领域最顶级的技术盛会之一,致力于建立学术届与产业届沟通桥梁。目前已在日本、美国、英国、德国等发达国家或地区召开13届,这是AVEC首次到大陆地区召开,预计汇聚300余位国内外知名学者参与。本次大会主席为清华大学李克强教授;学术委员会主席为美国University of Michigan Huei Peng 教授、日本JARI Masao Nagai教授;组织委员会主席为北京航空航天大学邓伟文教授。
[AVEC会议网址] http://avec2018.org
Session Proposal提交: 2018年1月31号
2页长摘要提交: 2018年2月15号
稿件录用通知: 2018年3月31号
6页全文提交: 2018年5月15号
邮箱: avec2018@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
电话: +86(0)10 62789171
The 14th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC 2018) will be held in Beijing, China, during July 16-20, 2018.This conference will cover the following topics, but not limited to: Vehicle automation and connection; Vehicle dynamics and chassis control; Powertrain control and energy management; Driver behaviors and modelling; Advanced driver assistant systems; Intelligent traffic management and control, and Machine learning and swarming intelligence for road traffic and vehicles, etc.
On behalf of the technical and organization committees of AVEC’18, I cordially invite you and your colleagues to submit invited session proposal and/or papers.
General chair of AVEC' 18: Prof. Keqiang Li (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
International Scientific Committee Chair: Prof. Huei Peng (University of Michigan), Prof. Masao Nagai (JARI, Japan)
Organizing Committee Chair: Prof. Kevin DENG (Beihang University)
Website of AVEC 2018: http://avec2018.org/
[Short brief of AVEC]
Since successfully first held in Yokohama in 1992, AVEC has brought together the world best researchers and engineers, and is considered as one of the most attractive international conferences in automotive control technologies. The main goal of AVEC is to provide a multidisciplinary forum between researchers from both industry and academia to exchange their ideas and innovations and present recent achievements as well as prospects in advanced vehicle control. The organizers of AVEC'18 are endeavored to meet high expectations and to provide you an appropriate environment in Beijing, the political, educational and cultural center of China with a history of more than 3,000 years. We wish you a successful and interesting stay when you can exchange your ideas and innovations with international participants and establish new contacts. Combine your attendance of AVEC'18 with a tour of the time-honored and developed Beijing metropolis. The numerous royal temples, imperial palaces, ancient houses, museums with long history endow Beijing with incomparable charm. Meanwhile, as the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games, this oriental ancient city presents her best fashion fascination to the world. We look forward to your contributions and wish you a remarkable symposium and a pleasant trip.
[Important Deadlines]
Invited Session proposal: January 31, 2018
Extended abstract submission (2 pages): February 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2018
Full paper submission (6 pages): May 15, 2018
[Contact Info for AVEC 2018]
Email: avec2018@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Phone: +86(0)10 62789171